How we Can Find true North with Out a Compass?

I was going to meet my old friend at Aasan. He suggest me to enter into the street north to the Kal bhairab statue. I had a problem, in between the crowd of people and huge bulidings it was too difficult for me to find the north direction. I asked people near at shop to find the north. I thought if situation is like this when I am at a city place then what would be if I lost in woods, and at a huge desert. We often are not bound to want, to find true north from time to time, and chances are when the time comes we won't have a compass so, "How can we found a true north without using a compass?", there was question in my mind at that time. I decide to find the solution and find such wonderful ways from my GURU which are really useful for us. I am describing two important methods here.

The Shadow-Tip Method
  1. Place a stick upright in the ground so that you can see its shadow. We can also use the shadow of fix object but more the object is taller it is easier to notice the movement of shadow and narrower the tip the more accurate the reading will be. Be sure that ground where the shadow is casting should be bush free.
  2. Mark the tip of the shadow with a small object, such as a pebble, or a distinct scratch in the ground. Try to make the mark as small as possible so as to pinpoint the shadow's tip, but make sure you can identify the mark later.
  3. Wait 10-15 minutes. The shadow tip will move mostly from west to east in a curved line.
  4. Mark the new position of the shadow's tip with another small object or scratch. It will likely move only a short distance.
  5. Draw a straight line in the ground between the two marks. This is an approximate east-west line.
  6. Stand with the first mark (west) on your left, and the other (east) on your right. You are now facing mostly toward true north, regardless of where you are in the world.

Charging-Pin Method
To apply this method we must have metal pin or a piece of any magnetic materials, small pool of water in a bowl, pond and lake can be used but the water must be still(not moving).
  1. Put a small piece of paper or leaf of tree in a still water slowly and notice its position.
  2. Take a small metal pin piece of any magnetic material and rub it gently in you hair. It gains a magnetic property because electrostatic charge is developed in it.
  3. Put it on the piece of paper or leaf fastly and lightly.
  4. In which direction the paper or the leaf tilts is north.


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