GURU of systematic knowledge Wolfram search Engine: Throw off your calculator and charts

When I open google page in my browser, I usually feels lucky because no information in world is out of my reach. Today I feel more lucky today because, I got a google killer for systematic and computational knowledge. After you know about it, you will never use your calculator and charts for computation and systematic information.

Wolframe now is itself computational engine, Currently, much of the core of Wolfram is based on Mathematica, the computational software program used in scientific, engineering, and mathematical fields and other areas of technical computing which is also developed by Wolfram. Wolfram is currently on alpha stage so, called wolfram alpha. Wolfram also makes extensive use of the latest generation of web and parallel computing technologies, including webMathematica and gridMathematica. As the result, now Wolfram has 10+ trillion of pieces of data, 50,000+ types of algorithms and models, and linguistic capabilities for 1000+ domains.It covers topics such as mathematics, statistics & data analysis, physics, chemistry, materials, engineering, astronomy, earth sciences, life sciences, technological world, transportation, computational sciences, web & computer systems, units & measures, money & finance, dates & times, places & geography, socioeconomic data, weather, health & medicine, food & nutrition, words & linguistics, culture & media, people & history, education, organizations, sports & games, music and colors.

Above pictures show information I had extracted when about sin^3, Kathmandu and geomagnetism. Pdf file of above extracte data can be generated and can be downloded which can be save and use for future. Visit Wolfram|Alpha aims to bring expert-level knowledge and capabilities to the broadest possible range of people—spanning all professions and education levels. Our goal is to accept completely free-form input, and to serve as a knowledge engine that generates powerful results and presents them with maximum clarity. Wolframe provides Free player with mathematical engine rather then viewing information like in Acrobat it make document to come alive it has full mathematical engine embeded there. To download the player follow the link below.